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Agreements signed for education and research


In the framework of the project Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA) developed by the University of Cuenca and KU Leuven with the support of the VLIRUOS programme, two agreements have been signed with ASOTURIM (Migüir Community) and the company Piedra de Agua (Baños Parish) to mutually cooperate in the areas of education and research to support the development of tourism as a means of sustainable development in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area.

The event included biosecurity measures and took place at the Piedra de Agua installations. The University of Cuenca was represented by its rector, architect María Augusta Hermida PhD, as well as by the dean of the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences PhD (c) Ana Lucía Serrano and the PREIT-tour team. Furthermore, Mr. Ronal Quiroz represented ASOTURIM and Mr. Pablo Durán represented the company Piedra de Agua.

Moreover, substantial aspects of the project were presented by the PREIT-tour team. Likewise, the academic authorities and the actors of the territory gave relevance to the need for tourism as a means of sustainable development. In the end, the attendees shared an aperitif courtesy of Piedra de Agua.

In the following months, we will work together with researchers, students and actors of the study area to study certain problems and link academia to the needs of the territory.

Photo credit: Gabriela Coronel, University of Cuenca

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