On Friday 16th April, the members of the “Asociación de Emprendedores Turísticos y Afines” (ASOTURIM) held their first assembly in order to legally constituting their organisation. This is the last stage of a process that has been going on for six months despite the complications caused by the pandemic.

The first assembly was attended by all the members of the association, during which the statutes and internal regulations of the organisation were drawn up. The members of the board of directors were also defined, in which Mr Ronald Quiroz was elected president for a period of two years.
For Ronald Quiroz, the legalisation of the association is a big step for the inhabitants of the community of Migüir, as it will be possible to carry out actions that will benefit all its members. In this context, Lorena Parra (treasurer of the Association) assured that the territory has many needs that can be solved thanks to the efforts of the association, once it is registered with the Ministry of Tourism. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges from now on is to achieve the legalisation of the tourism enterprises in this area, which have not been able to legalise themselves due to legal vacuum about the use of the land in this territory.
The members of the association are confident that this process will bring great benefits for the future plans of their organisation. The process of legalisation of the association has been possible thanks to the support of the Legal Department of the University of Cuenca, as a result of an agreement signed between the University of Cuenca and the members of the association.
Photo credits: Byron Alvarado Vanegas