Several weeks ago, the PREIT tour research group developed a participatory diagnostic workshop in the community of Migüir (Molleturo).

In fact, after the project Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA), developed by the University of Cuenca and KU Leuven with the support of the VLIRUOS program, we decided to evaluate the project’s achievements.
Positively, we saw that the tourism entrepreneurs of Migüir remained active in their associative work through ASOTURIM. The research team conducted a social mapping workshop to evaluate this. However, there are still issues that deserve to be addressed by academia. Thus, we are preparing the community of Migüir to design a large-scale project on co-creation and governance at the tourism level.
The results helped us systematize the information on the territory to build the proposal together with the actors of the communities. In fact, we intend to break the academic scheme of situating ourselves using only theory. Rather, we tried to join realistic components of the territory to the theory to achieve a project with significant results.

Photographic credits: PREIT-tour