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Dissemination of results on research-based learning as added-value in tourism education


This week we participated in an interview with the communication media La MirillaEc about our latest academic publication entitled Research-based learning (RBL): Added-value in tourism education published in the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.

The interview served to disseminate the process and results of the published research because PREIT-tour always seeks to democratize the knowledge generated in academic and non-academic spaces.

Then, topics related to the implementation of the research-based learning approach in an undergraduate course of the tourism career of the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences of the University of Cuenca were discussed. Hence, aspects such as design, resources, contents, tools and others were mentioned in the framework of the virtuality of education. The objectives and results of the course were also mentioned, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

Furthermore, we discussed crucial issues regarding the current situation of tourism about the pandemic outbreak. Thus, we hope that this publication will be a contribution to academia and society to improve educational standards in tourism education.

Finally, we thank La Mirilla Ec for their concern in disseminating academic content to society. We also thank journalist Mihaela Badin for the invitation

Audiovisual credit: La MirillaEc

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