Last week the PREIT-tour team organized the event called Perspectives of research in tourism: experiences of researchers and students.

The event was developed online in the framework of the student's week at the University of Cuenca and had the support of the authorities of the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences.
So, two guest researchers who have developed research in Galapagos participated. The first speaker was Lucía Fernández, who showed some results on community-based tourism on Floreana Island from a qualitative approach. The second speaker was Moisés Obaco, who showed results of his article entitled: The effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on expected tourism revenues for natural preservation. The case of the Galapagos Islands, from a quantitative approach.
Then, Professors Imelda Avecillas and Miguel Angel Galarza, who are members of PREIT-tour, reflected on the feasibility of implementing a postgraduate program with a research-based learning approach. They have conducted some focus groups to approach the topic. Furthermore, Byron Alvarado, PREIT-tour research assistant, showed some results of the project Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA), developed by the University of Cuenca and KU Leuven with the support of the VLIRUOS program.
Finally, students doing their graduation work in the framework of the PREIT-tour project made a plenary to reflect on research-based learning also show the progress of their research in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area.

Furthermore, the event was attended by approximately 130 people, including students and professors from the University of Cuenca, as well as other people interested in the topic.
Credits: Facultad de Ciencias de la Hospitalidad, Universidad de Cuenca