Last November 05th, the PREIT-Tour team was awarded in the Second Call for Research Projects - Linkage of the University of Cuenca, for the presentation of a study derived from the project Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA). The study called "Mental Well-being based on nature-based tourism experiences in scholarship students of the Universities of Cuenca and Azuay" is one of the 28 winning projects of the call and is led by Dr. Miguel Ángel Galarza in collaboration with researchers from the University of Azuay: Mg. Fernanda Coello and Mg. Sebastián Herrera.
The project was planned to promote leisure and recreation in students with high levels of stress and anxiety, in a situation of the economic vulnerability of the Universities of Cuenca and Azuay, through tourism experiences in contact with nature in the community of 23 de Noviembre -7 Cascadas. This initiative is part of an interdisciplinary effort that links teachers, researchers and students in research and community outreach activities to promote tourism in natural attractions in a creative and differentiated way.
This award is an achievement that symbolises the research work of the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences. Therefore, we wish the team every success and hope that this project will become a reference for interdisciplinary research in the Faculty.
Photo credits: University of Cuenca and PREIT-Tour