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PREIT-Tour participated in the CACES Online Academy event


Updated: Sep 3, 2020

COVID-19 has meant a great change for society in general. At the educational level, it has implied a process of transformation in the framework of social distancing as a preventive measure in the face of the global health emergency. Teachers have taken up the challenge of bringing face-to-face activities into digital environments.

The Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Ecuador presented the Online Academy, a series of virtual conferences whose objective was to allow teachers to share with other teachers the best practices that they are developing to contribute together to the need to train professionals for the future.

In Ecuador, Higher Education Institutions have had to adapt quickly to a greater or lesser degree to the changes involved in virtual and online education. The University of Cuenca and its Faculty of Hospitality Sciences, together with the KU Leuven's Division of Geography.

It's necessary to indicate that the project has been initiated: Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA). However, the current emergence meant that the research-based learning components were restructured without abandoning the methodology.

The strategies were adapted to the three learning components of higher education teaching in Ecuador and are framed in open access technological learning resources with a transversal element of qualitative and quantitative evaluation by students to professors. The results around the grades are diverse, however, have had several options that will be evaluated to establish alternative educational models to traditional education.

For the moment, the students are waiting for the next stage in the territory, in contact with local actors and that will be a great test. The University of Cuenca is trying with these pilots to change the situation of traditional education and to link directly with the actors of the territory, the authorities, among others, to contribute to sustainable development through tourism as an alternative to extractivism, a situation that the country needs so much.

The Council for Guaranteeing the Quality of Higher Education in Ecuador presented the Online Academy, a series of virtual conferences whose objective was to allow professors to share with other professors the best practices they are developing to contribute together to the need to train professionals for the future.

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