As part of the PREIT-tour activities, a short film has started to be made, which will be shown in Ecuador and Belgium.
The audiovisual material will show the research-based learning process in the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences. It will also show the problems of the selected pilots in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area. Thus, the work will have two purposes. First, to show the work carried out from the project Fostering a platform for research-based education to support sustainable development through Tourism in the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area (CMBA), developed by the University of Cuenca and KU Leuven with the support of the VLIRUOS programme. Secondly, it aims to show the dynamics and problems of the territory to make tourism a means of sustainable development. Finally, the work will be used as a tool to promote international cooperation in the area of study by experts in this field.
In addition, some cultural actors of recognised trajectory have been linked to the project, such as Gabriel Art, an audiovisual artist who has accustomed us to record with his lens wonderful postcards of Cuenca. The music will also be provided by the folk music group Ayllu Llakta, who has a long and well-known trajectory in the musical field. Moreover, they were born at the University of Cuenca. Finally, the sound aspects will be in charge of L2 Estudio, who are experts in this area.

From PREIT-tour we are very happy with these synergies that have been formed to value our work.
Photo credits: Gabriel Art