Last Wednesday 8th September, the PREIT-Tour team resumed filming activities in the communities of the Cajas Massif Biosphere. This time we filmed the agro-ecological market of Gapal, the APAY plantations in Barabón and the restaurant "La Chichería", which uses local agroecological products to prepare its menu.
For this activity, the team decided to highlight the link between restaurateurs and agro-producers in the areas close to the city of Cuenca, including the parish of San Joaquín. Therefore, the relevant aspects of this pilot are organic agricultural production as a model for local development.
Finally, the team spoke with Tatiana Rodríguez (owner of the restaurant "La Chichería") about the importance of integrating the work of agroecological producers with gastronomic activity and tourism. In this case, Tatiana affirmed that both restaurants and public institutions must involve farmers in the area of gastronomy and give value to their work in the field through linkage actions. To this end, the restaurant's management has created an organic market to bring farmers closer to the end-user. In addition to this linkage, the chefs are constantly adapting their menus based on the agricultural products they can obtain from their local suppliers.
Photo credits: PREIT-tour