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  • freddyespinoza51

PREIT-tour collects data in rural communities

This past weekend the PREIt-tour team collected statistical data from residents of the Shuar community Tsuer Entsa, Seis de Julio in the canton Naranjal. Also in Luz y Guía in the parish Molleturo of the canton Cuenca on tourism development.

The activities began on Friday night with a training day on data collection strategies. Subsequently, on Saturday morning the team moved to the Shuar Tsuer Entsa community to start data collection. Then, in the afternoon data was collected in the Seis de Julio community and at the same time in Luz y Guía. On Sunday the team socialized the data collection proposal in the community of 7 Cascadas.

The students hired by the project demonstrated a professional and committed attitude. Therefore, in the following days data will be collected in the remaining communities of Guayas and Azuay.

Furthermore, Viona Van Cauter, who is a student at KU Leuven and is conducting research on cocoa in Ecuador, conducted several interviews and conversations with cocoa producers.

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